The New Normal in Sustainable Investing Post-COVID-19

Article by Mark Tulay
Finance and ESG Program Manager
GreenBiz Group
In John Lennon’s last album, in 1980, he released the song "Beautiful Boy," which showcased his deep love for his son Sean. The song’s lyrics included the prophetic quote "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
As we struggle to bring into focus the long-term impacts of a post-COVID-19 world, Lennon’s quote is a poignant reminder of the uncertainties that lie ahead for corporate sustainability executives and investors.
We are approaching an inflection point in the crisis where savvy investors are fundamentally reassessing economic, environmental, social and governance factors to adjust to the new normal. Many investment firms are modifying their strategies and valuation models over the long-term in the wake of the pandemic.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that ESG-attuned funds were sticky and held their value relative to their benchmarks during the pandemic.
Here’s how astute investors can equip themselves for a volatile future by determining whether the companies they hold are future-fit.
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